Category: Culture

Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

Maybe that light at the end of the tunnel was a train…

Monday, September 10th, 2018

Ah the first week in Bologna. I had a lot of things to do. First, I knew that there were no sheets for the bed in my apartment so I had arranged ahead of time to borrow a set from Cesarina. So for that reason and the fact that I had left a bunch of […]

The light at the end of the tunnel

Monday, August 27th, 2018

Interestingly enough the phrase above is exactly the same in Italian (la luce alle fine del tunnel) and that’s what I’m now seeing. I’m writing this on August 27 and I get on a plane with a one-way ticket two days from now. Originally I thought that the really hard part was getting the visa […]

One thing just leads to another.

Monday, August 6th, 2018

So I have the visa, I have the apartment, so what else is there to do. I will say that the hurdles that I have overcome seemed daunting and I’m glad that’s behind me. Now the next series. As in the track and field there’s never a single hurdle. My original plan was to minimize […]

The Elusive Lia

Friday, July 20th, 2018

I’ve been back from my spring jaunt to Bologna for almost two months and have not written a blog post for what seems like ages. Other than my usual laziness I do have have something of an excuse which I’ll explain in a post before long. But right now the subject is my friend Lia. […]