

Monday, October 27th, 2014


We were so impressed with Teramo that we went back for another day trip. I have never heard of it but it is quite old complete with ruins of a Roman amphitheater and another set of ruins that are being excavated with the help of a professor from Modesto California no less.

A gate to the city

A gate to the city

Amphitheater at night

Amphitheater at night

Part of the amphitheater

Part of the amphitheater

Depiction of the amphitheater in all it's glory

Depiction of the amphitheater in all it’s glory

Roman excavation organized by a professor at Modesto California (Italian surname - local boy?)

Roman excavation organized by a professor at Modesto California (Italian surname – local boy?)

We had arrived early and in addition to window shopping (which we both love) we visited the duomo. It is incredibly old and impressive with wooden beams on the ceiling that all have different designs on them. After marveling at the interior we walked along one of the main streets which was totally crowded with people. I thought that it was a demonstration or something but was just a normal evening passeggiata. We returned to sit on the steps on the rear of the church in the principal piazza of Teramo and dodged balls from the pickup soccer games from the young kids.

The front of the duomo

The front of the duomo

Part of the rafters of the duomo

Part of the rafters of the duomo

The duomo - very old

The duomo – very old

The main piazza - as the evening dims the light two or three different groups of boys played soccer amidst pedestrian traffic

The main piazza – as the evening dims the light two or three different groups of boys played soccer amidst pedestrian traffic

We also, naturally had lunch and found a place that was highly recommended. I’d say that the food was good although not outstanding but the prices were quite incredible and the portions were huge. We had been forewarned about portions and decided to split a pasta. When it arrived each portion was still large but the waiter assured us that this was all one order of pasta. Still we enjoyed the meal including a complementary small glass of what the waiter said was acqua (water) and in fact the label said “Acqua” but also said that it was 70% alcohol. It was surprisingly good for something so potent but I didn’t finish the glass – I still needed to walk.

Mauro's place

Mauro’s place

The interior at Mauro's

The interior at Mauro’s

The happy well-fed couple

The happy well-fed couple


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