Finally some photos

Finally some photos

Sunday, October 14th, 2018

I’m just about done with the bureaucracy and certainly tired of complaining about it. Sooner or later it will all be settled and now I’ve got some photos – yeah!  Mostly this is just random stuff that I hope that you find interesting.

A little well organized street art. It says “point for the collection and distribution of used alibis?

Not everyone is as enamored with Italy as I am. There certainly are economic and government issues which I am largely insulated from.

A typical beach scene. This is Pesaro in the Marche region of Italy. I went there just for an overnight stay. Almost all of the beaches are private. Perhaps you can go to this beach if you stay at the hotel that owns this stretch without paying anything but my guess is that you must pay for a “lentino” (little bed) and an “ombrellone” (beach umbrella). I think it costs about 5 or 6 euros a day.

There’s a park near where I live and I happened to notice the name. It was renamed in honor of the victims of the twin tower attack in New York. Like most of these signs it also recounts the story of this park. The space was originally a convent, then a tobacco factory (if I read it correctly), then a building that was bombed during WWII. There’s a parking garage underneath and when they were excavating it they found an Etruscan burial ground.

Wild blueberries were available until recently. Note that the spoon is a demitasse spoon.

Mmmm, wild blueberries on my cereal in the morning. Now they have disappeared so it’s bananas probably until spring. But who knows maybe in the winter there will be blueberries from Chile like in the U.S.

On my way to the dentist this week I decided to walk and took a route through streets that I’ve never seen. I thought that these two buildings were pretty interesting and work a second look. I’d say it must be rather old. Note the horizontal wood beam above the pillars.

The one next door. A pretty small one. They both look pretty old and in need of a little TLC.

A poster on the window of a book shop “libreria”. Roberto says “Be happy! And if at time happiness forgets you, don’t you forget happiness”. (at least that’s the best translation that I can do).

Ooh, the circus is coming to town! They’ve erected this big tent in Piazza Maggiore. Well, it’s not really THAT big but I can hardly wait. I need to find out details. It opens sometime next week.

Well, that’s all for now. I have some ideas for new posts. Maybe I’ll show some pictures of my apartment and environs if there is interest. Also some comments on my experience with the bank, credit card, Amazon and the utility companies. Any requests?

4 Responses to “Finally some photos”

  1. Cynthia Salamy Says:

    Yes, show some pics of your place and the surrounding area.

  2. Joe Says:

    Coming up! Writing it today. Thanks for the comment.


  3. Joy O'Neal Says:

    I really love reading all of your posts and am fascinated by the cultural similarities and differences. Have a sweet week!!

  4. Joe Says:

    After two weeks of goofing off blog wise a new post is coming today.


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