Via San Felice

Via San Felice

Saturday, June 11th, 2016

Now I have yet another favorite street in Bologna. I never thought of it as anything particularly special but I have walked along it often because of two reasons. First my gym is on the street and sometimes I just walk the distance rather than take a bus and second my dentist is on that street so I’ve had another reason to come there. I should say one of my dentists because I went to another dentist friend to have my teeth cleaned. Walking along the street I found that there were a number of clothing stores for both men and women that were in the quality/price range that appealed to me. So I’ve bought shirts there last year and my leather jacket and belts there this year. Of course like almost any commercial street in Bologna there is usually a bar (coffee shop) every 100 meters or less and a tabaccheria perhaps every 200 or so. I’ve also noted some interesting stores as I’ll describe below.

Starting from Porta San Felice …

The dental office where I had my dental implant done

The dental office where I had my dental implant done

I’ve never seen a store (actually much larger than is apparent from the photo with nothing but frozen foods – just about anything imaginable.

An entire store for frozen foods

An entire store for frozen foods

For those who are sticklers for cleanliness of person and house plus a variety of cosmetics and perfumes. Seems a strange combination (it’s a fairly large chain in Italy) but clearly is targeted at housewives or perhaps women in general. Most men are not as concerned about household cleanliness and certainly are not big consumers of cosmetics.

Cleaning products, personal hygiene and and cosmetics - only

Cleaning products, personal hygiene and and cosmetics – only

The gym that I’ve gone to on the past 3 trips.

My gym

My gym

The only store of it’s kind that I saw in Bologna – nothing but cheese.

Only cheese in this store

Only cheese in this store

And, yes, my favorite pizzeria is also there. It’s the best pizza that I’ve found in Bologna. It may be as good as those actually in Napoli. I need to go back and do a taste comparison now that I’ve had pizza at the center of the universe for pizza – but that’s another post. If you should be there and go for a pizza – avoid a weekend. They don’t take reservations and the wait can be aggravating.

Great pizza at Bella Napoli

Great pizza at Bella Napoli



4 Responses to “Via San Felice”

  1. Helen Says:

    Love your musings. Makes us long for Bologna – such a wonderful city! And you are such a great ambassador for it and all things Italian.

  2. Joe Says:

    Hi Helen,

    Sorry to be so tardy in responding. I love it when someone leaves a comment. While I enjoy doing the posts it’s nice to know that someone actually reads them.


  3. lia Says:

    You have no idea how much I love ALL your postings, but I just ADORE the ones
    about Bologna ( my hometown for more then 30 years !!) . Via San Felice was
    a well known street to all the kids …………. skipping school With all those “portici” you did not even need an umbrella ! Please continue your blog : it brings me at home any
    time. Grazie

  4. Joe Says:


    Thanks so much for your comment. It makes me happy whenever I get a comment, which is fairly rare, but especially when it’s from someone that has an emotional connection to what I write. I’m curious to know more so I will send you a separate email.


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