San Petronio Day

San Petronio Day

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

San Petronio is the patron saint of Bologna so there are always some special festivities. This year it fell on Saturday so it was busier than usual. The streets in the center are always closed on weekends anyway so there is usually a lot of pedestrian traffic but this year they were really packed. The highlight of the day was groups of costumed flag squads (troups?). I don’t really know what you’d call these groups that wave and toss around big flags but it was certainly interesting to watch. They were very good at it and must spend a lot of time practicing but probably not in that medieval dress.

Waving the flags around. Lots of artful ways of doing that.

Waving the flags around. Lots of artful ways of doing that.

Throwing flags to one another

Throwing flags to one another

The nobility I suppose. This performing flag troupe is from Florence

The nobility I suppose. This performing flag troupe is from Florence

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